Tamara as a guest musician on TV show "Müzigin Diliyle" ("With The Language Of Music") at TRT TÜRK (Turkish National Radio Television), in Istanbul...
Since 2011, TRT Türk brings viewers a new, unique reality titled Müziğin Diliyle (The Language of Music), created, produced and presented by Zeki Çağlar Namlı, famous Turkish baglama player.
The mission of the TV show is to prove the audience that every frame, every moment from our life can be interpreted through the language of music.
The concept is very interesting – each episode features new guest musicians who improvise LIVE by looking at simple images, running on a large LED screen on a previously determined theme.
The artist first begins playing solo and then they go on playing together with Zeki Caglar Namli's group.I got the task to improvise on the plain colours...and then we played together with Uroš Rakovec, my guitar player few of my songs, check video for "Alone without you"
The recording take place in Istanbul, May 02. 2012. and it was broadcasted at 9.30 PM on Saturday May 19th.